Hi! My name is Kimber Padgett, and I'm a front-end web developer based near Savannah, Georgia. I'm 24 and a mom to a five-year-old, as well as a graduate from Central Georgia Technical College, where I received my Associate's in web design and development. I'm a fast learner, and am always looking for opportunities to learn something new.
It all started with a web design class I took my senior year of high school. Until then, I had been unsure of what career I wanted. XHTML brought a new interest into my life that satisfied my love of challenges as well as provided a creative outlet. When I started college, XHTML had turned into HTML5 and CSS3, which provided a mostly-new environment for me. As I learned about JavaScript, SQL, and PHP, I realized that web development is just the kind of puzzle I love.
I know that the world of web development is always changing, and that I will always be learning. I hope to one day be the kind of person that coworkers go to when they need help with their code, whether it be a missing end bracket or a JS function that won't work. I also love teaching and would like to be able to mentor junior developers and teach them the tricks they'll need in the field. It's a far-off dream, but my dream nonetheless.